
198 West 21th Street, Suite 721
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CTC Broken Pekoe 1 (BP1)

Broken Pekoe is has the larger particle size. The liquors are a bit light in body but with encouraging flavoring characteristics.

CTC Pekoe Fannings 1 (PF1)

Pekoe Fanning 1. It is made up of black grainy particles slightly smaller in size than the BP1 grade.

CTC Pekoe Dust (PD)

Made of tiny bits of broken fine leaves often used to brew strong tea.

CTC Dust 1

Dust is Made up of tiny bits of broken leaf often used to brew strong tea quickly and popular for the tea bags. Dust1 is made up of the smallest particles.

Broken Pekoe (BP)

Pekoe Fannings (PF)

Fannings 1

Fibrous with little trace of black teas


Orthodox Tea

Black Orthodox (OP1)
Black Orthodox Tea (FOP)
Black Orthodox Tea (OPA)
Green Orthodox Tea (BOP1)
Purple Tea